Careers Resources for Schools
Four A3 Careers in Sport posters promoting the diverse careers in;
- Teaching and Coaching
- Health and Fitness
- Sport and Exercise Science
- Sports Business
4 Posters including Post and Packaging only £12.50.

Careers in Sport deliver face-to-face and online presentations to school and college students. Whilst we deliver on a range of topics, we also offer bespoke presentation content to meet your key objectives.
Our presentations help students find a non-competitive career path in sports, and not necessarily one that is limited to coaching or teaching. Deciding what to do after they leave school/college can be exciting but also challenging because there are so many options available.
A search on the UCAS website for ‘sport’ will promote over 1,500 degree courses for students to choose from whilst a search for ‘football’ will provide over 100 degree course options! University is an exciting and challenging opportunity for many. Choosing where to study and what to study can be a difficult decision with many variables for students to consider.
To have a successful career, it is also important to understand the qualifications, skills and experience required for their desired profession. Having this knowledge and understanding will help them achieve your career goals. Our presentations provide a review of the professions available within coaching/teaching, sports science, sports business, sports media and health and fitness. Whilst interactive activities engage students to consider the essential and desirable attributes required to achieve their career aspirations.
Cost includes preparation time, travel time, travel costs and delivery.
Face-to-Face – 1 – 3 hours £145* 4 – 5 hours £195*
*price based on a maximum of 200 miles travel. Additional costs for longer distances.
Online – 1 hour online presentation and Q and A – £55 + vat
Our 32-page interactive careers booklet provides students with a wider understanding of the careers available within the sports industry and the key skills required for each sector.
Each section has information to support their understanding and tasks for them to complete.
- Overview of careers in the sports industry
- Apprenticeships
- University options
- Employment options
- Sports Business
- Sports Coaching
- Sports Media
- Sport and Exercise Science
- Soft Skills
- Goal setting
- Curriculum Vitae
- Applying for a job
Cost – £3.50 per booklet plus P & P