Jobseekers dont lie in your job interview

Don’t tell white lies!

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More than one in three jobseekers (38%) have lied on their CV at least once, reveals new insight from a nationwide study. Proving to be a nation prone to a little white lie or two, the research found almost a quarter of those questioned (24%) admitted to stretching the truth on their CVs on a regular basis.

The statistics, which were compiled by JOB TODAY – the #1 hiring app in the UK – highlighted that the fabrications also differed between men and women. 42% of men admitted to telling fibs on their CV at one time or another, only a third of women (38%) owned up to doing the same. Across the board, both sexes revealed that fear of the competition was the biggest factor behind the need to exaggerate their past experience.

The UK’s top 3 most dishonest jobseekers

  1. London (44%)
  2. Yorkshire and Humber (42%)
  3. West Midlands (40%)

London came out on top as the most deceitful region of jobseekers with almost half (44%) admitting to tampering with the truth on their CVs. Candidates in the West Midlands as well as those in Yorkshire and Humber also put their hands up to adding fictional tales to résumés. Meanwhile, north of the border jobseekers in Scotland came out as the most honest with a whopping 74% claiming to have never told a lie on a CV.

Samira Mighty

In the know when it comes to playing the role, Love Island’s Samira Mighty has partnered with JOB TODAY to put together 5 tips for what not to do in a job interview:

  1. Jobseekers don’t lie on your CV

It will only come back to haunt you! You never quite realise how everyone knows everyone in the industry, so lying about your last job could come back to bite you.

  1. Wear fitting clothes

You want to look smart and fresh for your interview… anything loose could lead to a wardrobe malfunction which is the last thing you need…

  1. If you’re really ill, stay home and chill

No one wants to see you if you’re coughing up a storm or sniffling every five seconds; rearrange the interview and ace it next time.

  1. Present your best self

They’re going to make their mind up on you within the first 3 seconds, so fix up, look sharp.

  1. Jobseekers do your homework

Do some stalking on social media, check the company Instagram and Twitter accounts to get a feel for who they are!

“Before Love Island I starred in a number of West End musicals, but in between theatre and film work, like every performer, I held a number different of retail jobs, so I know firsthand how tough applying for a job can be.

My overall advice for jobseekers would be to always be yourself on paper and in the interview, otherwise you’ll have a hard time keeping up the pretense,” says Samira Mighty.

Co-Founder of JOB TODAY, Polina Montano, adds, “We’ve all had an interview go wrong, but it’s important to pick yourself up and learn from your mistakes. Our tips may seem simple but the statistics show that people still make silly mistakes that can easily be avoided.”

To watch three of the most embarrassing job interviews brought to life, click here

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