REP approved training for a fitness career
If you’re thinking of following a career in fitness, perhaps either as a personal trainer or gym instructor, you’ll need a REP approved training qualification, particularly if you plan to travel.
Before you take a giant step, it is important that you check all your qualifications are internationally recognised or at the very least recognised in the country you are destined for. There is a great deal of confusion about which qualifications are and are not recognised overseas. In fact, just trying to find out how to transfer them is a major task within itself. So hopefully our little blog will help.
If we start at the beginning. The Register of Exercise Professionals, or REPs as it is known, are the professional body that regulates the UK fitness industry. You can’t have missed these badges or labels on your course certifications and descriptions. If the course you are doing or have done has not got this symbol or recognition, then the chances are it will not be valid abroad. It is therefore imperative that any practicing fitness professional ensures that the training is delivered by a REPs approved training provider (such as us!). When looking at these courses on the internet it should be clearly documented on the training course description whether or not the course is validated by REPs or failing that take a look at the REPs website.
Once you have picked a REP approved training course that has that all important validation then you have just ensured that your training will align to the National Occupational Standards (NOS).
Now to cut a very long story short, a REP approved training certificate has two two main types. One being an awarding body qualification such as CYQ, Active IQ, City & Guilds etc. and the other a professional development certificate.
When looking at these courses on the internet it should be clearly documented on the training course description whether or not the course is validated by REPs or failing that take a look at the REPs website.
Now an Awarding body qualification will be automatically issued with 20 REPs points and directly align to the NOS, thus allowing access onto the REPs register. Professional development programmes however can accrue a maximum of 16 REPs points, and although enables you to instruct and teach this type of activity they are not considered qualifications as far as gaining entry onto the Register and getting appropriate insurance. You will need a Level 2 Certificate for that!
It is therefore imperative that anyone looking to become a fitness professional ensures that they achieve the appropriate awarding body qualification to give them a chance of employment in your chosen destination or if you are wanting to stay in this country.
The International Confederation of Registers for Exercise Professionals, or ICREPs, is a partnership between registration bodies and its main task is to ensure recognition of health and fitness qualifications between countries. As part of this, the ICREPs will also set a minimum standard these qualifications must satisfy.
Currently, the countries listed below run recognised regulative bodies and are in partnership with ICREPs – So as a result any qualifications that are run by these organisational bodies can be transferrable to each country:
- United Kingdom- Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) – UK -US!
- Ireland- Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) for Ireland
- Europe- The European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPs)
- Australia- Fitness Australia
- New Zealand- Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) – New Zealand
- South Africa – Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) – South Africa
- United Arab Emirates – Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) U.A.E
- Canada – Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) – Canada
The best place to go to find all the information is https://fitness.org.au/internationalfitnessregistration.html#tnsfer . This web site will help guide you through just about everything!
So, if for example you were thinking of moving down under to Australia, you could apply to have your UK REPs membership/qualifications transferred to Fitness Australia, and your qualifications would therefore be given the appropriate recognition the deserve. The actual application process is a simple one, however if you have any doubts or questions take a look at the link we provided earlier or even give REPs a ring for further guidance.
So choosing the right course is essential, especially when planning a new career in another country.
For more information on Careers in Health and Fitness visit our dedicated section of our website.